What is Agriculture?
While farming is admirable as a way of life, it is also a business. Therefore, our research-based programs promote: effective production practices; competitive pricing; business management skills; environmentally sound production practices; alternative agriculture businesses; youth education about food and fiber sources; successful living on a few acres.
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meeting Recordings
Optimizing Soil Fertility For Your Bottom Line
Nitrogen Management & Biologicals - Lucas Haag
Phosphorus Management - Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
Crop Publications
2025 Chemical Weed Control Book
Ag Leases - Cash, Cropshare, & Pasture (Form Fillable & Info)
Private Pesticide Applicators Test Booklet
Ag Manager (K-State Ag Economics Website)
Historical Custom Rates in Kansas
Commercial Pesticide Applicator Information
Stress Help
Agronomy eUpdate
Jay Wisbey
Crop Production
Phone: 785-309-5850