Upcoming Programs
Livestock Insect Mangement Program- Register HERE
April 16, 6:30 p.m., Minneapolis Courthouse Basement
Topics of discussion:
- Research on effects of spring burns on tick & horn fly control
- Identifying problem flies in livestock & how to manage them
- Understanding & slowing insecticide resistance in flies
- Creating an integrated pest management program
- Dr. Cassandra Olds - K-State Entomologist
To register or for more information, call (785) 392-2147 or email jwh04@ksu.edu.
Past Program Recordings
Pasture Management and Weed Control - watch HERE
Topics covered:
- Pasture management guidelines
- Grazing strategies
- Weed control recommendations and identification
Cattle Marketing and Tax Program - watch HERE
Topics covered:
-Marketing calves at fall weaning then wintering them for the spring market
-End of the year tax planning
Cattle Conversation Series
- February 4th - Understanding pregnancy loss with Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek - watch HERE
- February 11th - Post-calving nutrition with Dr. Blasi - watch HERE
- February 18th - Post-calving health and vaccinations with Dr. AJ Tarpoff - watch HERE
- February 25th - EPD and sire selection with Clint Laflin- Watch HERE
Cattle Conversation Series - Part 2
- April 1st - Spring Burning Practices with Walter Fick - Watch HERE
- April 8th - Thistle and Old World Bluestems with Keith Harmony - HERE
- April 15th - Troubleshooting Pasture Lameness with AJ Tarpoff - HERE
- April 22nd - Green Algae Research/Studies with Jody Holthaus - HERE
- April 29th - Providing adequate water to grazing livestock with Will Boyer and Ron Graber - HERE